low voltage


MTL2210B SWITCH OPERATED RELAY, MTL2210B 1-channel isolator for sale.

description:MTL2210B SWITCH OPERATED RELAY, MTL2210B 1-channel isolator for sale with good price....
Discontinued MTL product series MTL2000 range MTL2210B SWITCH OPERATED RELAY 1-channel.
MTL2210B product description:
The MTL2210B enables two 500VA safe-area loads to be controlled in separate circuits simultaneously by one light-duty on/off switch in a hazardous area. Alternatively, it can be arranged to latch for pushbutton stop/start control of an electric motor, the relay then being energised by brief closure of one switch contact and de-energised by the brief opening of another. The stop switch overrides the start switch, even if the start circuit is closed, making sure that the motor can be turned off under all conditions. In this application, the second pair of changeover output contacts enables the status of the motor to be fed to a computer or data logger.
MTL 2000 Range
MTL2000 series
Product CodeDescription
MTL2210B  Switch operated relay ~ 1-channel
MTL2211  Switch operated relay ~ 2-channel 
MTL2213  Switch/proximity detector relay ~ 3-channel 
MTL2215  Switch operated relay ~ IS output
MTL2220  Earth-leakage detector 
MTL2241  Solenoid/alarm driver ~ 1-channel 
MTL2242  Solenoid/alarm driver ~ 4-channel
MTL2313  Trip amplifier ~ general purpose
MTL2314  THC trip amplifier
MTL2315  RTD trip amplifier
MTL2316  Bonding integrity monitor 
MTL2441B  4/20mA Repeater power supply
MTL2442B  4/20mA Isolating driver
Pre:None Next:Discontinued MTL2211 SWITCH OPERATED RELAY 2-channel for sale.